Penetration Testing - Why Do It?
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Penetration Testing

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Why Perform a Penetration Test?

Simply put, a pen test is how you discover your weakness before it's too late. There was a time when this really needed more explanation, and a lot of vendors still devote a lot of effort to convince you why you should get one. Today there are few CIOs, CISOs, CTOs, or even CEOs who need to be convinced of the need for periodic, or at least occasional, penetration testing. It is wise to identify your weaknesses before someone with hostile intent identifies them for you, and that part is pretty well understood. For most, it's a matter of how much to budget, and how to get the most out of that budget.

This site is devoted to IT professionals, forward thinking IT managers and officers, and other organizational decision makers who already know why, but need to know more about what is available and how much needs to be budgeted. Our contribution to your information gathering is published prices, and published methods.

Ask us for a free, quick, no hassle quote using the contact form above.